Things to do on social media - Tech-Info.


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8 Feb 2016

Things to do on social media

There is no denying the fact that Social media has come to stay with a truck load of advantages as well as disadvantages. The consciousness of these advantages and disadvantages should help us as social media users to maximise our activities on each platform without offending or endangering ourselves or others.

Like some people say, “it is just social media”, and when you try to correct some others on the abuse of the social media, they say “is it not my own account?”
The power the social media wield is unfathomable but many people do not understand that. Just as they can help us make new friends as well as reconnect with old ones, social media has the power to make or mar an individual depending on their activities.
It has been observed that only a tiny click of social media users who are business conscious often mind their posts and contributions but those that are not do the following whack things which you should not be found doing.
1 Sharing too much information

Social media is for creating and sustaining networks, not a diary for sharing your daily activities. You should know where to draw the line between your digital and personal life. Your friends and followers online do not have to know everything about you.

2 Inserting yourself in controversial conversations

It’s okay to share your opinion on different topics online but if the topic or subject is controversial (i.e. religious, racial, political and so on), your opinion could be offensive if not properly presented. So it is best to steer clear.

3 Posting private photos

Whether it is in direct messages, snapchats or inbox, do not send nude photos of yourself with anyone. Inasmuch as it is a naughty act, it is also hard to trust anyone these days.

4 Spreading yourself too thin

If you cannot afford what it takes to be on all social media platforms, don’t sweat it. Yes, it could be tempting to try everything but there is also danger in it.

5 Body shaming

As a general rule, the social media universe is a place for positivity so you shouldn’t say anything negative about anybody. Don’t start tribal or ethnic wars, don’t start religious crisis, don’t insult anybody. Offending people is a bad idea on social media because you don’t want anything bringing down your reputation.

6 Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying involves using electronic communication such as social media to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature to them.Cyber bullying is a serious offense that you shouldn’t indulge in.

7 Security unconsciousness

Do not give your passwords out to people unnecessarily, especially those you do not trust. It could give them opportunities to hack into your accounts. This can also include forgetting to logout of a shared computer. Very bad idea.

8 Messing up your name

Your name is your identity, don’t misspell it. Old friends and new ones who want to connect with you will search for you using your real name, not the funkified version of it. Businesses, brands and employers of labour may want to hire you based on referral and when they are searching for you, they will most likely search with your real name.

9 Giving out sensitive information

Some social networks let you post contact information on your profile but you should never give out your phone number or address because it is risky, but in case where people need to contact you for business opportunities, it is advisable for you to include an email account that you regularly check.

10 Being fake

People send requests based on what they see on your profile. What if they find out your profile information is wrong? But then it is exhausting trying to keep up appearances so just be yourself online. 

11 Believing every information

Before you accept any piece of information as truth and stamp your approval on the content, research and be sure. Find out about the article and author before believing and acting on it.

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